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Training Programmes and Teenage Girls’ Rehabilitation: A Case Study of School Dropouts in Poko Territory, Democratic Republic Of Congo

Abstract: School dropout turns to be a serious educational and social problem particularly in the rural areas that is significant studying. Children dropping out from school has turned into a difficult issue in many places around the world. Over the world, there are high rates of students leaving school in the developing world. The study focused on Training Programmes and Teenage Girls’ Rehabilitation: A Case Study of School Dropouts in Poko territory, Democratic Republic of Congo. The study looked at how skills development and resource mobilization can impact on the rehabilitation process of teenage girl school dropouts. Pegged on two theories namely the theory of human motivation of Abraham Maslow and Self-determination theory by Ryan and Deci, the study adopted a descriptive research design and employs both quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative thematic analysis research method. The research used convenience and purposive sampling methods. The population size for this study was 436,293 and the sample size was 400. To confirm the sample size, the researcher used the Yamane formula 1967. With regards to data analysis, simple descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were generated with the help of SPSS software. A semi structured questionnaire and interview guide were the instruments for data collection. The descriptive statistics findings on skill development indicated that the indicators such as formal and informal education were significant to the teenage girl school dropouts’ rehabilitation. Cognitive skills were not important to their rehabilitation while technical skills were relevant to their rehabilitation. The study recommended that facilities for training programmes should be prioritized and conducive environment should be created so that the teenage girl school dropouts’ rehabilitation can be effective and efficient. Key Words: Training Programmes, Teenage girls’ rehabilitation, School dropout

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