Instructions to Authors

All articles must be in accordance with the current language standards in English, current ISO and the law on copyrights and rights related to copyrights. Your contributions are to be sent via as an attachment or on a CD via regular postal service (P.O BOX 3634 – 00100 Nairobi Kenya). In both cases written and saved in MS Word.

Style Sheet Requirements

Maximum Length: 4,800 words

Font type: Times New Roman

Font size:12

Paragraph Spacing: Single Spaced

Writting Style: APA sixth Edition (except otherwise advised)

All articles must include

  • Name of the article and authors and corresponding author’s address in English
  • Article abstract of 150 words in English
  • Brief professional CV of the author/s (100 words)
  • Text of the article consisting of at most 4800 words – single spaced

Abstract should have Objective, Design,Study population and Methods as part of the structure

Structure of a Full (Empirical) article

A full artcile should have the following structure

  1. Study background/introduction
  2. Statement of the problem (concern)
  3. Study objectives
  4. Justification
  5. Theoretical review/framework
  6. Literature review
  7. Methodology/materials
  8. Data analysis and interpretation
  9. Conclusion
  10. Recommendation/s
  11. Acknowledgement/s – if any
  12. References
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Benefits to authors

The JSDC is committed to real and the immediate open access to academic work and published articles. All accepted articles in the Online IJSDC are free to access immediately from the date of their publication on poral. There is no charge to readers to download articles.

Benefits of open access for authors, include
  • Free access for all users worldwide
  • Authors retain copyright to their work
  • Increased visibility and readership
  • Rapid publication
  • No spatial constraints

The journal is published six times a year from July-August 2017 and only in English language as it is published in various foreign country. We prefer to use the term “Social and development concerns” because problems which affect a considerable number of people in a community affects negatively their functioning and consequently development. This Journal is multidisciplinary for what affects development in our society is diverse. 

Publishing and authorship

  1. All the authors must contribute to the research. If there are authors who significantly contributed to the research and are not explicitly named or if there are authors named who did not contribute to the research, it is considered a violation against publication ethics and practice
  2. Authors must acknowledge the source of financial support of the research and their professional membership (workplace)
  3. Published articles must contain a list of quotations in accordance to the citation standards of the journal
  4. All forms of plagiarism and publishing false information are unacceptable
  5. It is forbidden to publish the results of the research in other journals

Authors duties and obligations

  1. Authors are obliged to publish true and authentic information
  2. Authors are expected to respect ethical approaches towards research subjects (this includes disposal of informed consent with taking part in the research and publishing personal data of research subjects)
  3. Authors should guarantee obtaining permission to use materials covered by copyright
  4. Authors are required to participate, cooperate and follow timelines in the review process
  5. All the authors must cooperate with additional downloads or article corrections
  6. For more information on the obligations of authors see also “Guidelines for contributors”

Review procedures and reviewers obligations

  1. All the reviews must be objective
  2. Personal criticism of the authors is unacceptable
  3. Reviewing articles is confidential, naming of the reviewer in public is unacceptable
  4. In context of reviewing articles, reviewers should not have any conflict of interests
  5. Reviewers should mention relevant published articles that have not been quoted
  6. The publishing editors publishing in their own journals should not abuse their position (the process of assessment must be independent of the author)
  7. Reviewers should assess/evaluate the manuscript within the deadline (30 days)

I hereby declare and agree, on behalf of myself and my co-authors (if any), that

  1. The article submitted is an original work and has neither been published in any other peer-reviewed journal nor is under consideration for publication by any other journal. In addition to it, the article does not contravene any existing copyright or any other third party rights
  2. This transfer of copyright gives International Journal of Social and development concerns the right to develop, promote, distribute, and archive a body of scientific works throughout the world
  3. The Author hereby grants and assigns to International Journal of Social and development concerns all rights in and to Author’s work in and contributions to the Work. In connection with this assignment, the Author acknowledges that International Journal of Social and development concerns will have the right to print, publish, and create derivative works throughout the world, all rights in and to all revisions or versions or subsequent editions of the Work in all languages and media throughout the world

The author(s), reserve the following rights

  • All proprietary rights other than copyrights, such as patent rights
  • The right to use all or part of this article, including tables and figures in future works of their own, provided that the proper acknowledgment is made to the Publisher as copyright holder, and  the right to make copies of this article for his/her own use, but not for sale.
  • The article contains no such material that may be unlawful, infringe any proprietary or personal rights of others (including, without limitation, any copyrights or privacy rights); that the Work is factually accurate and contains no matter libelous or otherwise unlawful; that I/We have substantially participated in the creation of the Work and that it represents my original work adequate for me/us to claim the authorship.
  • I/We certify that I/We have no financial interest in the subject matter of the Work or any affiliation with an organization or entity with a financial interest in the subject matter of the Work, other than as previously disclosed to the Association.
  • If any plagiarism found in my camera-ready article after Publication, I am the solely responsible not International Journal of Social and development concerns Board members.
  • The article,the final version of which I enclose, is not substantially the same as any that I/we have already published elsewhere.
  • No responsibility is undertaken by International Journal of Social and development concerns, its staff or members of the editorial board for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products instruction, advertisements or ideas contained in a publication by International Journal of Social and development concerns.
  • If any dispute arises, final decision is taken by International Journal of Social and development concerns Editorial Board.
  • I, the undersigned corresponding author, also certify that I have the consent of each author to transfer and assign any and all rights, title, and interest, including copyright of the article referred above. I hereby assign and transfer to the International Journal of Social and development concerns copyright and all rights under it in the event that such work is published by the International Journal of Social and development concerns. I further confirm that this article has not been published elsewhere, nor is it under consideration by any other publisher.

Copyright Transfer

Copyright to the above work (including without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole, or in part, in any and all forms) is hereby transferred to International Journal of Social and development concerns, to ensure widest dissemination and protection against infringement of it.   I hereby certify that I am authorized to sign this Copyright Form either in my own right or as an agent of my employer, and have made no changes to this current valid document supplied by International Journal of Social and development concerns. I have carefully read, understand and agree with all above written license agreement with the International Journal of Social and development concerns

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