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Organizational Structure and the Performance of dairy Cooperatives in Kiambu County, Kenya

Abstract: Today cooperatives in Africa have diversified. Specifically referring to the dairy cooperatives the union of the continent is strong to ensure economic growth. Financial institution holds a large market share. As compared to IMF and all other banking sectors in the African countries, dairy cooperatives own 14% of the financial markets. This study was undertaken to establish the influence of organizational structure on the performance of dairy cooperatives in Kiambu County, Kenya. he study used agency theory and theory of constraints to support study variables and findings. This study adopted Sequential explanatory design to determine the effecting leadership on the performance of Dairy Cooperatives in Kiambu County. The target population for the study was 22650 respondents. Finite population formula was used to calculate the sample size which arrived at 117 sample including both members and managers. The questionnaire method was preferred to other techniques in this study. Data collected was coded and analyzed using descriptive statistics where percentage, mean and standard deviation were used. Regression analysis was done to assess the relationship between the components of organizational management as independent variables on Performance of dairy cooperatives Kiambu County, Kenya. The The response rate for this study was 73.5% deemed adequate for drawing inferences on organizational management and performance. Females were the majority with representation of 53.49%. the findings revealed that organizational management is fairly adopted in dairy cooperatives

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