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The Role of Student Council Leadership in Promoting Discipline and Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Naivasha Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya


 Abstract: This study sought to examine the role of student councils' leadership on the academic performance of public secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was guided by systems theory and path-goal theory. A mixed-methods research approach was adopted. The total target population was 2,673 comprising 234 teachers, 2400 students, and 39 principals from 39 public secondary schools with a sample size of 293. The study was guided by both probability and non-probability sampling techniques that included purposive and systematic random sampling. Collection of data was done using interview guide for principals and questionnaire for teachers and students. A pilot test was conducted in two public secondary schools in the sub-county. The research instruments were validated by experts with knowledge on instructional leadership from Tangaza University Analysis of quantitative data was done using descriptive statistics, which included frequency distributions and percentages and was generated by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. Data was presented in form of bar graphs, pie charts and frequency tables. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic approach and was presented using narratives and direct quotes. The study found that student council leadership in public secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-County positively contributes to academic performance and the overall school environment. Peer mentorship involvement in school operations contributed significantly to students' personal and academic development. Most teachers and students agreed that student council involvement in peer mentorship, discipline, and communication with administration positively impacted academic performance. However, there was variability in student involvement and perceptions, particularly in communication with the administration and discipline. The study also revealed challenges faced by student council leaders, including balancing leadership responsibilities with academic work, negative attitudes from some students, and inconsistent support from teachers and administration. The study concludes that student council leadership plays a crucial role in enhancing academic performance in public secondary schools, particularly through peer mentorship, discipline, and communication with administration. 

Keywords: student councils’ leadership, academic performance, communication, peer mentorship, discipline and administration 


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