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Financial Factors And Women’s Economic Empowerment In Nyali Sub-County, Mombasa County Kenya

Investing in women's economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. The main objective of this study was to examine the influence of financial factors on women economic empowerment in Nyali Sub-County, Mombasa County Kenya. The study was guided by the liberal feminist theory. Descriptive survey research designs and mixed approach were used. A purposive sampling technique was used to recruit women engaged in economic activities from the two wards randomly selected for this study. The exact number of women per ward was done through proportionate stratified random sampling considering the total representation of women using the Yamene survey sampling formula of 1967. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data from women and interview guides to collect qualitative data from the key informants. After data collection, qualitative data was analyzed using verbatim and presented in narration. Quantitative data was be analyzed using descriptive statistics with the help of the Statistical package for social sciences Programme (SPSS) version 23 and presented in tables, pie charts and bar charts. Data was later interpreted to give meaning focusing on the literature reviewed. Data was collected from 398 women respondents from Nyali sub-county and 7 key informants. From the study findings, women agreed to have had control over their income; their assets and control over how to spend their income. The study however established that women’s income sources were vulnerable to risk factors like inflation. Further findings established that it was difficult for women to access financial loan services to establish small scale business due to lack of securities. More than half (57%) of the study respondents were self-employed with less than a quarter (23.1%) of the respondents being employed. The correlation between women’s monthly income and satisfaction level was 0.094.This indicated very weak positive correlation between monthly income and satisfaction. This implied that an increase in women monthly income narrowly improve women’s control of the financial factors. Recommendations: County and National governments to create conducive and enabling environment for investment and business in Nyali Sub-County; different stakeholders to champion for women’s financial inclusion for their economic empowerment and the central government to streamline on financial inflation rate issues which adversely affect women led initiatives in Nyali Sub-County.

Key words: Financial factors, women’s economic empowerment, income generating activities, financial services,


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