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Empowerment Programmes as Strategies mitigating Gender-Based Violence in Kibera Informal Settlement, Nairobi City County, Kenya

Abstract: All people, regardless of gender, are vulnerable to gender-based violence, but women and girls suffer disproportionately. SDGs numbers 5 ('achieve gender equality’) and 8 ('sustainable economic growth') show how governments are working to help women gain economic independence. The purpose of this research was to investigate empowerment programmes as strategies mitigating Gender-Based Violence in Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the influence of Capacity Building on Gender-Based Violence among women in Kibera Slums, to examine how the Credit Facilities influence Gender-Based Violence among women in Kibera Slums, to examine the extent to which Health Interventions influence Gender-Based Violence among women in Kibera Slum and to establish the Legal Interventions and their influence on Gender-Based Violence among women in Kibera Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was based on the Ecological and Empowerment Theories. The study used an embedded mixed design with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target population was 178,284 men and women, and 10 Key informants; sub-county administrators, NGOs and CBOs. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 385 respondents while purposive sampling techniques was employed to choose key informants for the study. Quantitative data was gathered using questionnaires while qualitative data was collected using interview guide. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive analysis with the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data while thematic content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. Chi-square was used in the inferential statistical test (P-value=0.000), showing significant relationship between empowerment programmes and GBV. The findings indicate that the greatest opportunity exists in addressing GBVs in the Kibra sub-county by empowering individuals through trainings and workshops. It was also found that male and female survivors of GBV need access to the same kinds of empowerment programmes and training initiatives if the problem is going to be reduced and women’s health and safety, as well as GBV principles, are more important in health care empowerment than interventions aimed at preventing gender-based violence in the sub-county. The study concluded that economic autonomy programmes lack the resources and remedies to offer survivors what they need in terms of quality services towards health and legal measures, so women continue to suffer physically and psychologically because of being a survivor of violence. The study recommends that all actors must intervene by close coordination in introducing new programmes to the community to combat the phenomenon which still at large in the region, various stakeholders, such as NGOs, CBOs, and Sub- County officials. The findings of this study are significant to men and women who undergo empowerment programmes to deal with GBV in the informal settlement of Kibra Sub-County.

Key words: Empowerment, Programmes, Mitigating Strategies, Gender-based violence


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