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Contribution of Rock Art towards Tourism Development in Mwanza Region, Tanzania


 Abstract: Tourism is a captivating industry in the modern world which has boosted the society economically, socially and environmentally. The additional focus of tourism based on wildlife and beach safaris has become old fashioned and congested. Modern tourist seeks new destinations that are suitable, sustainable and adventurous. Rock art tourism is one of the segments which has the greatest potential especially in the case study area, Mwanza, Tanzania. Its authenticity and originality in the geological formation sets the area suitably fit for rock art tourism, a niche which interlinks well with the proximal attractions within the area including Sukuma Museum, Lake Victoria, Saanane National Park, just to name a few. The study explored various destinations in the world where rock art has been practiced, its potential and challenges. Results were based on secondary data sources of tourist destinations which have embraced the idea of rock art tourism development and its contribution to the society. Findings reveal that in deed rock art is an excellent niche that can benefit key tourism stakeholders including the government, tourists, tour operators and the local community if the resources are well managed and packaged. In Tanzania, tourism has been ranked as the second economic activity that contributes to the growth and development of the economy. Development of an idea on rock art tourism will have a greater positive contribution to the country as it diversifies the tourism sector. Tourists will have diverse forms of tourism to choose from hence increasing their satisfaction levels as they consume the tourism products. Tour operators will work with tour agents so as to develop itineraries and routes towards rock art site. The government will use revenues accrued from tourism to develop infrastructure such as passable roads to the rock sites. However great concern should be on long term conservation of the rock art for longevity benefits to the stakeholders involved in tourism development in Tanzania, especially Mwanza region. 

Key words: contribution, ecological formations, niche, rock art, stakeholders, tourism development


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