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Constraints that Affect the Success of Women Development Projects in Ngong Ward, Kajiado County, Kenya

Economic growth is a major factor that augments the income and wellbeing of both men and women, and several forces affect women’s economic empowerment and the level at which they benefit from growth in different locales. The main objective of this study was to assess the constraints that affect the success of women development projects in Ngong Ward, in the Kajiado County, in Kenya. Specific objectives were to: assess the role of financial constraints’ influence the success of women; to find out how business strategies and constraints influence success of women development projects; and to establish how organizational structures affect the success of women development projects within the Ward. The researcher employed a descriptive survey research design. The target population for the study was 600 people: 60 women, 10 staff from the Kajiado County Government and 50 women group projects from Ngong. A sample size of 120 was used for the study. The study was guided by the theory of Transformation, and the Resource-Based View theory. To obtain samples, cluster and purposive sampling were used to purposely select the women operating projects in Ngong. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides were administered on County Government officials. Quantitative data was sorted out, and coded using SPSS V 23. It was established that majority of the women projects were facing dire financial constraints that threaten to stifle their growth. The most popular method of financing projects was found to be table banking. This was attributed to the ease with which one was able to acquire funds from table banking as compared to other forms of financing such as bank loans which are expensive and require rigorous application processes. The study established that most of the respondents (71%) find it difficult to acquire bank loans and therefore try to avoid them. The study noted that most participants (57%) seek advice before starting projects, which is an important aspect of realizing success in women development projects. The most important piece of advice sought was on whether the anticipated project is going to be profitable or not (71%) and whether there is a ready market for one’s goods and services (29%). The study noted that many respondents do not write business plans (86%) mainly due to lack of skills. Therefore, education and training was found to be necessary to equip the respondents with skills such as project management skills, financial skills, business plan writing skills, among others. In this regard, most of the respondents were found not to have attended any project management training.

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