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Challenges Facing Utilization Of Ict In Public Secondary Schools In Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya


This study assessed the challenges facing utilization of ICT tools in teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Kajiado North Sub County. The research was prompted by the need to awaken learners and teachers to utilize the available ICT tools so as to promote more innovative, creative, independent and collaborative teaching and learning. The research designs used were phenomenology and cross-sectional. Ten public secondary schools were randomly sampled. Ten principals were sampled purposively. Simple random sampling technique was used to choose 104 teachers whereas stratified and simple random sampling was used to choose 150 students. Data was collected through questionnaires and interview guides. Each Quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed singly and results converged in interpretation. Quantitative data was analyzed and interpreted through statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software package version 20.0 and was summarized and presented by means that of percentages, means, tables and pie charts. Qualitative data was analyzed and presented using narrative description. The findings revealed that lack of electricity or generators, inadequate tools and resources, in-adequate knowledge on teaching and learning through ICT, personal perceptions and lack of internet connection were the main impediments to learning and teaching through ICT. Based on the findings, the study recommended that education stakeholders, that is; the government, parents, teachers, local community and students should be involved in planning, training and appropriation of ICT tools and resources in schools.


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