The power of policy practice has been demonstrated throughout the history of the social work profession. Through policy practice, social workers have made a difference in the lives of Kenyans. This article examines the role of policy practice within social work. It is aimed at helping Social Workers and students apply basic social work skills to policy practice arenas so that they can become successful advocates for just social welfare policies and reforms. This article will examine Policy practice, setting the foundation for engagement of Social Workers in influencing the policy-making processes in their agencies, communities, counties, and nation. In doing so, Social Workers will be making a tremendous difference in the lives of individuals and families living and working in unjust conditions and living on the margins of society. Despite the evidences from the literature review that social workers have a greater role to play in implementing social policies in the country, their participation in Policy Practice in Kenya has been minimal. Therefore, this article provides the recommendation that there is need for empirical studies to be carried out to establish the levels of social workers involvement in social policy development processes as well as the relationships between the involvement and effectiveness of social policies in meeting the social needs of the society.
Key words: Social Policy, Social Practice, Social Protection