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Conditional Cash Transfers to Vulnerable Women and Poverty Alleviation in Kibera Informal Settlements, Nairobi City County, Kenya

The study aimed at investigating the effects of Conditional Cash Transfers in alleviating poverty among vulnerable women in Kibera informal settlements of Nairobi City County. The study used the descriptive design, which employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study targeted the households of vulnerable women, village elders, chiefs,community health and social workers. The sample population was 132 respondents from the 250000 living with in Kibera informal settlements. Both probability and non-probability; that is, stratified random and purposive sampling techniques were used to identify the beneficiaries of the CCTs and the key informants. Data was collected through questionnaires to the CCT beneficiaries and key informant interviews. The research instruments were tested to determine their reliability and validity; then the data gathered was qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. From the findings, CCTs are greatly effective in alleviating poverty among the vulnerable women in informal settlements. The sustainability of this anti-poverty program can be achieved by engaging with different donor agents and development partners,advocating for the program, supplementing it with skill development, and above all include it in the Kenya Government Safety Net Program.

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